My sister emailed me: Hi
- Mark Frauenfelder
- Uncategorized
- May 25, 2001
My sister emailed me: Hi Mark: I was volunteering at Calvin’s school a couple days ago, and one of my jobs was to take down little pieces of paper that were stuck onto a fake indoor tree, on which the 3rd graders had written their Earth Day pledges. Most of them were pretty predictable, like “I will pick up trash and try not to use the car”. But some kids probably weren’t listening to the teacher’s instructions, or just had some really ambitious ideas, and some must have been clueless. Here are a few that I saved, kids’ spelling and all:
1. I like to Dirt Bike at night. Connor 2. The is Earth day I’ will not smoke pull weeds no speed boats. Jordan L. 3. This Earth Day I will not use to many things made from factorys. Lisa 4. This Earth Day I am going to respect our inviorment. 5. I like to play tag and sports. Logan 6. This Earth day I will play Playstation. 7. On earth day I plan to realax and eat. and sleap. 8. I like the hard groud so you can play baseball and kickball. Jacob 9. When your hiking “take only pictures and leave only footprints.” Don’t be a Roman. Dont pollute or litter. Emily 10. This Earth day don’t shoot animals for fun and make animals feel safe. 11. On Sunday or Saturday I’m going to walk my dog and pick up rocks. Jackie 12. If you camp and set up a tent Put it away. 13. For this Earth Day I am not gowing to pollute the Earth like not riding over the grass because my wheels are really dirty. Kelsey