This Salon article on bioterrorism
- Mark Frauenfelder
- Uncategorized
- Oct 03, 2001
This Salon article on bioterrorism makes me want to move to Rarotonga. But, maybe, as the author of this article points out, we all aready have smallpox and anthrax but just don’t know it yet. (I have a sore throat.)
University of Iowa microbiologist Mary Gilchrist, generally credited with establishing the National Laboratory Network for Bioterrorism Detection, takes issue with those who say dissemination obstacles make germ warfare unlikely. “Someone can carry a small bag of material that can infect hundreds of thousands of people,” she told the AP. “You can carry that bag through virtually every airport security system I’m aware of. It won’t attract attention from a drug-sniffing dog, either … I think it could happen at any time.”