An anonymous friend recently posted

An anonymous friend recently posted this terrific list of complaints about Oracle, his co-workers, and the hassles of adminning boxes at Exodus. I love this kind of ranting. Warning: Justifiably foul language at this link.

Other things that SUCK:

  • Sun in general for being bastards
  • The people who adminned the E4500s before I did who upgraded SOME of the PROMs CPU boards in the E4500s but not ALL of them
  • Those people in general
  • Those people SPECIFICALLY for not ever bothering to make sure that ANY services come up when you reboot the machines
  • Those people for running some kind of anti-portscan tool that prints 4 lines of text to the console every time anyone tries any kind of connect to the machine. 10/10 for security awareness, -1000000000000 for not thinking that the time when you are working on the console is exactly the LAST TIME YOU WANT TO SEE SCREEN AFTER SCREEN OF MEANINGLESS ERROR MESSAGES

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