I am a compulsive neat-freak.

I am a compulsive neat-freak. I can’t abide crumbs on the counter, books off the shelf, laundry on the floor. I’m convinced that one out-of-place item is the top of a slippery slope that leads to filth and misery. Consequenty, Squalor Survivors gives me the fantods. It’s an online support group for people who’ve allowed their lives and homes to descend into animal putrescence.

First degree
You are getting behind in tasks that you would normally manage, like laundry and dishes. You are not the tidy person you once were. Little piles are starting to emerge and your disorganization is starting to affect your life and inconvenience you. Things are just starting to get out of hand and become unmanageable. A sign of first degree squalor might be that you are embarrassed for other people to see your mess…but you would still let them in the house.

Second degree
Now things are really starting to get out of hand. Signs that you have reached second degree would include losing the use of normal household items like your bed, table, television or telephone, because the piles have expanded to cover the items up. You start to develop new methods of moving around your house, as normal movement is impeded by your piles of stuff. You might start making excuses to discourage people from entering your house.

Third Degree
At this stage, you have all the above, plus you have rotting food and animal faeces and/or urine in the house, and this is the rule not the exception.You cannot cope with the growing mess. Essential household repairs may not be done, because you are too afraid to let a tradesperson see your house. Just the thought of someone seeing your mess causes you great stress.

Fourth degree
At fourth degree squalor, you have all of the above, plus you have human faeces in your house that is not in the toilet.

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