So here’s my latest project:

So here’s my latest project: the Four Blogs on One Page blog. The idea is to make a blog out of nothing but guestblogs, like the guestbar on the right. The Four Blogs on One Page blog has, as you may have guessed, four blogs, arranged in a table. There’s the Top Left Blog, the Top Right Blog, the Bottom Left Blog, and The Bottom Right Blog. I’m inviting different guest-editors to manage each corner of the page every couple of weeks. I love the idea of having four radically disparate POVs side by side, and seeing my pals interact on the page.

The inaugural editorial board is terrific, if I do say so myself:

Top Left Corner
Molly Steenson, of Girlwonder. Molly’s a dynamo of squeaky, smart energy. I know her form the WELL, and we tend to meet up in strange cities, like Austin and Chicago. She’s just bought her first home.

Top Right Corner
Jon Lebkowski, AKA Jonlzebub, is a hell of a blogger in his own right, and was one of the original contributors to BoingBoing back when it was in its print incarnation. He’s also one of the founders of Fringeware Review, and introduced me to Texas BBQ — a favor I can never hope to repay.

Bottom Left Corner
Helen Waters, of Helen’s an old pal, a former co-worker, a Brit-cum-Canadian living in Holland and a soon-to-be bride. Her hilarious and demented crafts projects — like the meat helmet, the everybody in icicle lights campaign, and the stink-beetle cross stitch — never cease to amaze me.

Bottom Right Corner
Roz Doctorow — my mother! Newly retired and just getting used to the idea of blogging, my Mom is a highfalutin’ PhD educator (both she and my dad got their doctorates within a year of each other, making them Doctor and Doctor Doctorow), a consultant on kooky high-tech education ventures, and a groovy old radical.

Go check it out! I’m totally wowed by how cool this thing is already. Also, lemme know if you’d be interested in guest-editing a corner on the page!LinkDiscuss