A preeminent neuroscientist, a Fulbright
- Cory Doctorow
- Uncategorized
- Nov 16, 2001
A preeminent neuroscientist, a Fulbright scholar, was removed from an Alaska Airlines flight on Sunday. An anonymous passenger reported that he was “acting strangely” (he was reviewing a complex scientific paper he was to deliver at a scientific symposium). The strangest thing about him, of course, is that he is Greek, olive-skinned, and easily mistaken for an Arab by people who are not ever going to receive a Fulbright scholarship. The scientist was not given the opportunity to explain himself, he was not searched. No one attempted to assess the notional risk he presented to the flight. He was simply removed, with no appeal. The guy flies Alaska fifty times a year in a good year, but that didn’t make a difference either. Here’s an idea: Let’s invite every hair-trigger, hysterical jackass who doesn’t feel safe flying with nonwhites to take the goddamned train and leave the skies open for the rest of us.LinkDiscuss (via MeFi)