After a long hiatus, FutureFeedForward’s
- Cory Doctorow
- Uncategorized
- Nov 26, 2001
After a long hiatus, FutureFeedForward’s back, with a doozy!
Wal-mart Tags Shoppers with Subcutaneous Cookies
WALVILLE, ARK.–Responding to public requests from privacy advocates, retailing giant Wal-mart agreed Wednesday to release details concerning a newly-implemented system for tracking shoppers in its Wal-mart and Sam’s Club stores. “We understand that there is some sensitivity surrounding this initiative,” notes Wal-mart spokesman Joel Scent, “And we want to be entirely upfront and open about the program and the ways it will benefit our shopping family. We’ve been testing the system in a few pilot stores–we’ve made no secret about that–and now, with that experience behind us, we’re ready to talk about the program.”