A Yahoo Op-Ed columnists reports
- Cory Doctorow
- Uncategorized
- Nov 29, 2001
A Yahoo Op-Ed columnists reports that airport security guards stole her jewelry under the rubric of confiscating it because it posed a security risk, and speculates heightened security measures are giving dishonest security staff a sense of impunity.
As long as the airlines insist on going through the manifestly absurd exercise of treating all passengers the same in an obscure desire to impress The New York Times editorial page, the airlines ought to abandon the personal inspections altogether. We can’t keep weapons out of prisons; we certainly can’t keep them off airplanes — not even by turning airports into the pleasant and welcoming environment of a federal penitentiary.
Indeed, after airport security confiscates any jewelry that might make a nice Christmas gift, the airlines hand out weapons on the planes. They still serve wine in glass goblets that can be smashed to create jagged glass daggers. They still serve soda in cans that can be twisted apart to create razor-sharp knives. They still have emergency exit doors that can be opened during flight, causing the plane to crash.