Kevin Werbach discusses the possibility
- Cory Doctorow
- Uncategorized
- Nov 29, 2001
Kevin Werbach discusses the possibility of unlicensed spectrum as a means of delivering subversive broadband.
Open spectrum wouldn’t break the bandwidth bottleneck overnight. The necessary technology is still immature. In practice, there are still limits on how many users can communicate effectively, depending on available frequencies, power, competing uses and the design of transmitters and receivers. The benefit of open spectrum is that it’s more efficient than the traditional licensing model, and that gap will widen over time.
The airwaves are a public resource. Thanks to technology, licensing them for exclusive use is no longer the best way to reap their benefits. By opening up the spectrum, we could build the foundations for a communications industry that works more like the computer industry, with rapid innovation and active competition. Instead of a tragedy of the commons, the result would be a triumph.