“IT” is finally revealed, as
- Cory Doctorow
- Uncategorized
- Dec 02, 2001
“IT” is finally revealed, as Time scoops Good Morning, America by 12 hours. It’s a wee scooter with a really cool UI:
“Now, stop,” Kamen says. How? This thing has no brakes. “Just think about stopping.” Staring into the middle distance, I conjure an image of a red stop sign–and just like that, Ginger and I come to a halt.
“Now think about backing up.” Once again, I follow instructions, and soon I glide in reverse to where I started. With a twist of the wrist, I pirouette in place, and no matter which way I lean or how hard, Ginger refuses to let me fall over. What’s going on here is all perfectly explicable–the machine is sensing and reacting to subtle shifts in my balance–but for the moment I am slack-jawed, baffled.