“The Wire” as a Dickens serial
- Bill Barol
- Uncategorized
- Mar 24, 2011
- Baxter Bubz Black, Charles Dickens Google, Culture, David Simon, guestblog
It’s one of those ideas that sounds less nuts the more you think about it: “The Wire” imagined as a 19th-century serialized novel. After all, David Simon’s great multi-season drama had all the muckraking moral outrage of Charles Dickens (Google the reviews and try to count the number of times you see the word “Dickensian”), and its shifting viewpoint over five seasons gave it a similar historical sweep and reportorial authority. The real kick of “When It’s Not Your Turn,” though, is its obsessive attention to detail. You have to admire the dedication of creators Joy Delyria and Sean Michael Robinson, who seemingly cram every arcane bit of the show’s rich mythology into a fake lit-crit essay. The illustrations, ostensibly by Baxter “Bubz” Black, just add to the goofy verisimilitude of the thing. It’s a fabulous fraud.